Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama Ties to Acorn

Courtesy of G Rethman Report:

"The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree...." These are Obama's own words at a rally a few days ago. Just another slip of the tongue from the junior Senator from Illinois?? Obama's ties to ACORN are a hot topic in recent days and the more you look the more you see. In fact, I think I've found something I agree with Obama on - the ACORN truly doesn't fall far from the tree! Here are Obama's ties to that radical, subversive group .... ACORN.

Funny thing - Obama's own website is actually lying about his involvement with this group. What a surprise. Read on ...

Can the ACORN story, Ayers, Rezko & Wright be enough for McCain to win this election? If the stock market stabilizes (it was up over 900 points today) Dick Morris thinks so. He's hardly ever wrong.

And considering what we know about Obama's lack of truthfulness regarding his involvement with ACORN, is it possible that he's received illegal campaign contributions? You decide:

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