Monday, June 30, 2008

Kailua July 4th Parade for McCain

Happy Birthday America!
Join McCain for President Supporters at the
Kailua 4th of July Parade, Friday, July 4, 2008
* Parade starts at 10 AM
* Meet at 9 AM - Kainalu Elementary School, 165 Kaiholu St.
FREE McCain Hawaii t-shirt for the first 250 to join up.
(donations appreciated)
*Water and a snack
* An American flag
* Your own sign design (optional)
* Your dog to join the "Mc K-9" Corps

Call 927-9397 for more information.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Cindy McCain's life time of humanitarian work

Cindy McCain In Service to Others ...

Cindy McCain has long been an advocate for children everywhere and for their health care needs in particular. She founded and ran the American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT) from 1988-1995. AVMT provided emergency medical surgical care to impoverished children throughout the world. Cindy led 55 medical missions to third world and war-torn countries during AVMT's seven years of existence. In recent years, Cindy has dedicated the bulk of her volunteer time to three international organizations; The HALO Trust, Operation Smile and CARE.
For more on this dedicated and amazing woman who will be an outstanding first lady click here...

Veterans for McCain Rate Own Web Site.

John McCain is dedicated to the security of our nation. He will not foolishly diminish our defense capabilities nor will he forsake our men and women who serve us now in far flung spots around the globe and those who valiantly served in previous wars.

He is by far the only presidential candidate who can be trusted to represent the honorable values of our United States military. Courage, honor, commitment - tenets of our fighting men and women in uniform. Send this new dedicated Veterans for McCain web site to every veteran you know, because they "get" the urgency of electing John McCain, Commander-in-Chief.

And remember to donate to John McCain. It's urgent. He needs your support more than ever now, before September 4 when public funding eliminates any further campaign donations directly to his campaign. You can still donate to the Republican Party after that date, but he needs funds now to get his message out. Obama went back on his promise to take public funding, but not McCain, a man who believes your word is your honor.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Obama on Missile Defense, etc.

In Barrack Obama's own words, his defense proposals if he were President could leave Hawaii in a very vulnerable position. We are within striking distance of North Korea which has developed weapons that can reach our islands.

What would this do for the Pacific Missile Defense Range (Kauai Missile shoot Down Test Successful) at Barking Sands on Kauai?


Check out for the latest policy announcements and news stories.

***Take our Survey at the bottom of the blog! Mahalo!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

George Will, Gingrich, and Winnie the Pooh

Some interesting things to ponder as McCain backers strengthen our resolve to make sure a candidate with serious foreign policy credentials becomes Commander-in-Chief:

Obama adviser: See 'Winnie the Pooh' for U.S. security today in WorldNetDaily

Newt Gingrich on the war on terror at the National Press Club.

Questions for Obama by George Will
in the May 5, 2008 Newsweek

Send these links and this blog site to your list. Get the word out via the internet and we WILL overcome the local media bias with a charge by the grass roots of Hawaii's independent-minded! We're becoming a McCain Movement!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Share Your Photos of McCain Events

Have any photos at any of the recent events - like the U.S. Vets recent Walk at Iroquois Pt. Point? Send the best 2 or 3 to We'll post them on the blog. Remember to get permission from those in the photos first.

Always take your camera to events. We'll be having a Hawaii McCain for President photo contest after the national convention so start looking for your subjects now! Details to be posted in early August . Hint: children and pets are always favorites.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Articles, Op Eds, and Letters to the Editor

Now is the time to start sharing John McCain's story of lifelong service and sacrifice with those who need some convincing. Letters to the Editor of both dailies will help get the message out.

Did you know that John and Cindy McCain met in Hawaii? That story and more are in his book
Faith of My Fathers, a good read. The story was made into an excellent movie by the same name that aired last year on television. John mentions both Jerry Coffee and Orson Swindle in one scene in the film.

Pick up
John McCain - an American Odyssey by award-winning Washington journalist, Robert Timberg, Marine Vietnam wounded veteran, Naval Academy graduate and former White House correspondent. It will underscore why McCain's understanding of enemies who seek to destroy our nation, his toughness, straight talk, and his independence combine to make him the right man for the times.

Also check out MidWeek's Coffee Break by Jerry Coffee.
His articles about his friend and Vietnam cell mate, John McCain, are both personal and practical. For a woman's view on McCain, go to MidWeek's Susan's Page "It's Not a Presidential Pageant." column.

Buttons, Bumper stickers, and T-shirts ...

The Fourth of July is coming up.
It's time to order your items that show your support for John McCain for President at the Kailua parade or wherever you go this summer. For a huge variety of McCain "stuff", go to the McCain Campaign Store.

* Any purchase is considered a federal contribution to John McCain 2008 campaign. If you've already contributed the maximum amount under federal law or are otherwise ineligible to contribute under the federal rules, you may still purchase merchandise by calling (877)542-1426.

Look for upcoming postings about the Kailua parade. Let's show huge support by showing up and walking for McCain.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Hawaii Democrats Helping Nevada

Let them go ...

Honolulu Star-Bulletin reported this week that Isle Dems are so sure of an Obama landslide in Hawaii they're headed to Nevada to help him win there. We say GREAT, GO! John McCain and his supporters are committed to helping bring to Hawaii - not another state - the kind of "change " that only a man of John McCain's background, leadership and experience can bring both here and to our nation.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Team McCain Hawaii Growing

Where are the McCain Supporters? The numbers are growing, growing, growing. But we need you to join. We have a "BIG TENT". Not everyone agrees on everything, but we all agree that John McCain must win! To those - especially in the media - who think Hawaii is ALL OBAMA, the least qualified candidate in America's history, we say "NOT SO FAST!"
Stand by ... We have some amazing things happening in the campaign. Be patient. This is a marathon - not a sprint - YET.
Those who have committed to coordinate efforts for John McCain so far:
Chairman Emeritus: Admiral Joe Vasey
Honorary Chair: Governor Linda Lingle
Honorary Co-Chairs: Adm. Ron Hays, Adm. Bruce Smith; Gen. Thomas Rienzi, Gen. Herbert Wolf
Chairperson: Capt. Jerry Coffee, USN Ret (
Co-Chairs: Rep. Gene Ward (
Rep. Kymberly Pine (
Vice Chairs: Sen. Fred Hemmings; Rep. Lynn Finnegan; Rep; Barbara Marumoto; Rep. Colleen Meyer
Big Island Coordinator:
former Rep. Archie Hapai
Maui Coordinator: former Senator Fred Rohlfing
Events and PR: Susan Page (
McCain Veterans: Lt. Col. Darrell Large, USA Ret. (
Attorneys for McCain: Randall Yoshida; Kevin Souza
Vietnamese Americans for McCain: Timon Tran
Democrats for McCain: Bill Paupe
Independents for McCain:
Brian Bott

Positions to fill: Campaign Manager; Volunteer Coordinator; Kauai Coordinator; Directors of Coalitions.

k here to join Team McCain Hawaii
or email:

Chairman Jerry Coffee's message.

Komo Mai & Aloha...

Welcome, and thank you for joining us on the John McCain Victory Hawaii 2008 blog site. Susan and I are pleased and proud to host this site on behalf of our friend, Senator John McCain, the next President of the United States.
Although it was apparent even back in
Hanoi that P.O.W. Lcdr. John McCain was an extraordinary man of principle and courage, I couldn't have guessed he would someday be the President of the United States of America. During some of our quiet, late night talks, when most of our comrades were snoozing beneath their mosquito nets, we would reminisce about our youth and earlier careers, forming a bond of friendship and loyalty that only shared adversity can bring. John McCain is one of the few men who has used up more of his 9 lives than I have.
John McCain has spent literally two careers (over 40 years) in the service of our country, militarily and politically. And as we see his hard work and dedication to his campaign, overcoming tremendous odds to be so close today, it is the very least we can do in dedicating our own energy and priorities these next few months to ensure his (and our) victory.
In these particularly perilous times, for the sake of America and of our children and their progeny, John McCain MUST win. Please join us in helping him do it.
Please join us: Ho'olu komo la kaua!
Warmest Aloha!